Publications Supported by the Fund

Cover zum Open-Access-Buch

NEW IN 2024

Radlogistik. Grundlagen zu Logistik und Wirtschaftsverkehr mit Lasten- und Transporträdern

by Tom Assmann et al. (Hg.)

published in July 2024 by Springer Gabler Wiesbaden

licensed under Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International

link to the book via DOI:

link to the book at publisher’s website

Also published in 2024


  • Offizier, Frederike (ORCID iD). The Biosecurity Individual. A Cultural Critique of the Intersection between Health, Security, and Identity. (University of Potsdam)
  • Yadollahi, Solmaz (ORCID iD). Urban Heritage Planning in Tehran and Beyond. Sequences of Disrupted Spatial-Discursive Assemblages. (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg)
  • Pelloni, Gabriela, Ievgeniia Voloshchuk (ORCID iD) (eds.). Sprachwechsel – Perspektivenwechsel? Mehrsprachigkeit und kulturelle Vielstimmigkeit in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur. (European University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder)
  • Stopp, Horst, Strangfeld, Peter (eds.). Floating Architecture 4. Construction on and near water. (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg)
  • Ceritoglu, Erdogan Onur (ORCID iD). Salvaging Buildings. Reclaiming a Livelihood from the Excesses of Istanbul’s Mass Urbanization. (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg)
  • Euler, Ellen (ORCID iD), Beger, Gabriele. Urheberrecht in Bibliotheken. Eine Handreichung von A bis Z. (University of Applied Science Potsdam)
  • Künnemann, Andreas. Existenz- und Regularitätstheorie der zweidimensionalen Variationsrechnung mit Anwendungen auf das Plateausche Problem für Flächen vorgeschriebener mittlerer Krümmung. (Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg)
  • Brockhaus, Robert (ORCID iD). Geheimnisschutz und Transparenz. Whistleblowing im Widerstreit strafrechtlicher Schweigepflichten und demokratischer Publizität. (European University Viadrina Frankfurt/Oder)
  • Muhidine, Éléonore (ORCID iD) (ed.). Indian Architecture in Postcards. A New Perspective on a Modern Heritage. (University of Applied Science Potsdam)


Other funded publications are still in the publication process. As soon as these are published, they will be listed here.

Cost transparency for funded publications

Cost data of funded publications are made available with the OpenAPC/BPC initiative